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Who are we?

In 2017, a number of organisations and individuals from across the globe came together to form the International Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Network. We believe that through the International PPI Network we can join together and enhance the opportunities such a network would bring, enabling the sharing of expertise and evidence-based good practice. Through collaboration, the International PPI Network would be empowered to influence international and regional health and social care research organisations.


How are we funded?

We are grateful for the financial support with start-up costs from the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care, and ongoing costs from the National Institute for Health and Care Research. We also acknowledge the in-kind contributions from:

  • Cochrane

  • The COMET Initiative

  • The University of Western Australia

  • Telethon Kids Institute

  • Babcock University

  • University of Southern Denmark

  • Warwick Medical School


In April 2024, the Network joined other health and social care research organisations in signing up to the Shared Commitment to Public Involvement. You can read more about our pledge here: Read the Shared Commitment.


* Patient and public involvement focuses on active collaboration between patients, members of the public and researchers, where lived experience and personal knowledge help to shape research. We use the phrase ‘patient and public involvement,’ or ‘PPI,’ throughout this website, however there are many other phrases that are used by the international community who work in this area to describe involving people in or engaging people with research. These include but are not limited to: community engagement, community engagement and involvement, consumer involvement, citizen engagement, patient and public involvement and engagement, participatory research, citizen science, patient-led research. We use patient and public involvement as a broad term to cover the majority of these activities.

Working together to build a world where patient and public involvement is an integral part of health and social care research

Our Mission

Our Objectives

  • To promote and raise awareness of patient and public involvement in health research 

  • To support and enable patients and public to be involved in health research 

  • To develop ways of sharing experience, knowledge and expertise of patient and public involvement in health research

  • To work with organisations across the globe, including those from low and middle-income countries, to learn from each other and build capacity for patient and public involvement in health research

  • To support the assessment of the impact of public involvement in health research on practice, policy and outcomes

  • To develop international standards and policies for patient and public involvement in health research

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Meet the Planning Group

The Planning Group was setup to formally establish the Network, including the associated governance structures, funding, strategies and work-streams. The Planning Group provides oversight of and advice on Network activities.

A huge thank you to Mogens Hørder (University of Southern Denmark) and Richard Morley (Cochrane) who are founding members of the International PPI Network, and have recently stepped down from their role on the Planning Group (2024). 

Become a Member Today!

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